Mary Swift, DDS – General Dentist & Morgan Petty, DDS – General Dentist
Even though dentures often last for many years, denture repair may be necessary from time to time. The material the dental appliances are made from can erode or fatigue. Dentures may also fracture due to a variety of reasons. The longer you wear a denture, the more likely you will have to visit your dentist for denture repair.
Dentures are appliances that replace people’s lost teeth. They can help to restore the appearance as well as oral functions that were lost. Partial dentures are mainly used to replace some of the teeth. Complete dentures, on the other hand, replace all the teeth.
One of the main causes of fracture is a poor fit. Impact fractures can also be caused by dropping the complete or partial denture. This can end up breaking the denture at any point in the appliance. Sometimes, the metal clasps of a partial denture can also get damaged. In such cases, it is not advisable to put it back in the mouth afterward. Fortunately, dentures can be repaired.
Relining the denture is an important part of denture repair. The gums and bone under a denture can change with time. They may continue to shrink making it necessary to reset the fit of the denture. If a person visits the dentist early, some material can be added to improve the fit.
This is referred to as relining or rebasing the denture or partial. It is usually done at the dental office if a large change is not required. For some complicated repairs, a denture may have to be sent to the dental lab. It is important for the dentist to first evaluate the product if it requires relining.
Dentures are mainly made of acrylic resin. This material is repairable, which is very convenient. More acrylic can be added by the provider to the appliance for reinforcing. It will also bond to the fractured or broken section of the denture.
It is vital to take proper care of dentures to prevent many complications. Dentures are very delicate. They can easily break if dropped even a few inches on a hard surface. An individual should handle them with care. It is advisable to stand over a sink filled with water or a folded towel when handling them.
Cleaning dentures every day is recommended. An individual should wet the brush and then put the denture cleaner on it. All surfaces should be brushed gently to avoid damaging the plastic base. Using a brush made specifically for cleaning dentures or a toothbrush with soft bristles is encouraged. This is important because hard-bristled brushes can damage dentures.
A liquid soap can be beneficial when used with a denture brush. But people should not use toothpaste to clean dentures. Some kinds of toothpaste have abrasive particles that can damage not only the denture base but also the teeth. The denture should be kept in water when a patient is not wearing it.
Replacing missing teeth with dentures can improve your appearance and smile. But it is important to handle the dentures with great care. Seeing the provider regularly is a good idea. If you experience any problems with your dentures, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.
Are you considering denture repair in the Dallas area? Get more information.