
Aspects of a Dental Checkup

Dental checkups are a common way of preventing gum disease and cavities. Not every visit is the same, but knowing what to expect can help you better understand the process. Your dentist will go over your medical history during the appointment. That way, the dentist can think about family conditions that might affect your oral health. Keep reading to learn more about what to expect during the checkup.

Understanding the dental checkup

One of the essential aspects of any checkup involves looking at the gums and teeth for signs of issues. Still, the patient might have other exams, as well. For instance, the dentist will look at the patient’s neck and head to check for oral cancer. The dentist might check the jaw joints and lymph nodes. The dentist can then look at the mouth for signs of diabetes, oral cancer, or vitamin deficiencies.

The dentist can also check the bite and tongue to look for potential issues. After that, the dentist will clean the teeth thoroughly to remove plaque and other bacteria. The dentist can use a mirror and probe to look for redness or swelling. Then they will check for bacterial pockets in the gum, which might indicate gum disease.

The dentist checks the bite to see how well the teeth meet. Next, the dentist will look at the soft tissue to see if there is any infection sign. Sometimes, patients will have X-rays done to check the tooth and bone structure. That is a good way to check the roots of the teeth and see if there are cavities.

Getting the checkup

The checkup might be more detailed than a patient realizes. However, each aspect is critical to oral health. That way, the dentist can check these needs early on and address any issues. Still, oral health care at home will impact the results found on the exam. It is possible to prevent many problems through proper oral hygiene.

Caring for the teeth at home

To help the dental checkup go well, patients should take good care of their teeth at home. Having healthy gums and teeth starts with a dental checkup. However, flossing and brushing are also critical. Patients might want to skip brushing now and then when it is late. But nighttime brushing is one of the most essential because of the bacteria growing during that time.

Patients who have braces should be even more careful to have good oral hygiene. The food might get stuck in the brackets and wires. That might cause decay to begin. However, consistency is critical. That can prevent cavities from happening.

Choose the right dental checkup today

Knowing more about what to expect during a dental checkup can help you relax in the dentist’s chair. The right dentist will take your health seriously and answer other questions you might have. If it is time for your next dental checkup, schedule a visit. That way, you can get a more beautiful smile.

Request an appointment or call Dallas Laser Dentistry at 469 838 5292 for an appointment in our Dallas office.

Dr. Mary Swift

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